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Fetch signup application

Fetch member sign up profile details.



mutation{    fetch_signup_application {        _id        status        message        user_id        fullName        firstName        lastName        emailAddress        gender        dob        pan        martialStatus        residentialStatus        permanentAddress        communicationAddress        fathersName        mothersName        occupationType        annualIncome        isPoliticalyExposed        pan_front        cheque_image        signature_image        profile_image        latitude        longitude        order_id        account_number        ifsc        account_type        penny_drop_status        account_status        bank_name        language        bank_code        logged_in_before    }}


{  "data": {    "fetch_signup_application": {      "_id": "60ab3d910dbc43af76ccb8bb",      "status": true,      "message": "Records Fetched Sucessfully",      "user_id": "60ab3d4cd41a50bea77b1461",      "fullName": "Rahul Jacob",      "firstName": "Rahul",      "lastName": "Jacob",      "emailAddress": "",      "gender": "M",      "dob": "04%2F01%2F1983",      "pan": "AZRPJ7393K",      "martialStatus": null,      "residentialStatus": null,      "permanentAddress": "ABC HOUSE,ABC HOUSING COLONY XYZ VILLAGE",      "communicationAddress": "ABC HOUSE,ABC HOUSING COLONY XYZ VILLAGE",      "fathersName": null,      "mothersName": null,      "occupationType": null,      "annualIncome": null,      "isPoliticalyExposed": null,      "pan_front": null,      "cheque_image": null,      "signature_image": null,      "profile_image": null,      "latitude": null,      "longitude": null,      "order_id": null,      "account_number": "12345678901",      "ifsc": "SBIN099999",      "account_type": null,      "penny_drop_status": "true",      "account_status": "approved",      "bank_name": "STATE BANK OF INDIA",      "language": null,      "bank_code": null,      "logged_in_before": true    }  }}